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Vertical lifelines
Fall Protection | Learning

Vertical lifelines

A lifeline is a length of synthetic fibre or steel wire rope attached to an independent point of anchorage. A lifeline is typically used in conjunction with a fall arrest device such as a rope grab. Using the right vertical lifeline The rope used as a vertical lifeline in a personal fall arrest system requires […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting Workplace Accident Investigations

A Comprehensive Guide to Conducting Workplace Accident Investigations

Accidents can occur in any workplace, causing injuries to employees and potentially disrupting operations. It is essential for organizations to conduct thorough accident investigations to identify the root causes, implement corrective measures, and prevent future incidents. In this article, we will outline a step-by-step process for carrying out effective workplace accident investigations. Establish an Investigation […]


Understanding the Most Relevant International Standards for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a critical aspect of workplace safety, designed to protect workers from hazards that could cause injury or illness. Whether it is safety helmets, gloves, footwear, or respiratory masks, PPE serves as the last line of defense against workplace risks. But how do we ensure that the equipment we rely on […]

Explore our extensive library of instructional videos and tutorials on various HSE topics. From practical safety tips to in-depth training sessions, our videos are designed to educate and empower you to create a safer workplace. Stay informed with the latest industry practices and compliance standards through engaging and easy-to-follow content.