- Permit only trained and experienced workers to operate a saw.
- Wear proper eye and hearing protection, and when required, respiratory protection.
- A radial arm saw cutting table must be of sufficient width so that no part of the saw blade overhangs the forward edge of the table. A stop may also be used to limit forward travel of the saw to prevent overhang.
- Saws must not be operated at speeds in excess of the manufacturer’s recommendation.
- Only use accessories designed for the saw and recommended by the manufacturer
- Make sure the blade guard is in place and properly adjusted.
- Stand on the handle side of the saw when cross cutting.
- Return the saw blade to behind the fence after each cut.
- Make sure the overall length of the saw table (both infeed
- and outfeed) is twice the length of the lumber being cut.
- Make sure during ripping that material is fed counter to the saw blade rotation.
- The motor head must be locked into position at the correct height and desired angle.
- Clamp stock to the table when making mitre, bevel, or compound mitre cuts. This overcomes the tendency of the stock to slide along the fence.
- Turn off the saw and unplug the electrical cord when making changes.
- When it is necessary to measure stock on the cutting table, the saw must be turned off until measuring is complete.
- Do not use radial arm saws for ripping unless spreader and anti-kickback devices are used.
- During operation, do not remove your hand from the operating handle unless the cutting head is behind the fence.
- Do not remove the stock from the cutting table until the saw blade has been returned to its position behind the fence.
- Do not cut “free-hand”. The material to be cut must lie solidly on the cutting table against the back guide.
- Do not use any circular saw blade having a crack exceeding 1/10 of the saw diameter or any circular saw blade with cracks adjacent to the collar line.
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